When it comes to marathon training, there is a lot of lengthy advice out there telling you how and how not to train. That's why we are delighted to present Marathon Minutes, a series of 60-second videos, offering practical marathon training advice. Addressing common questions, these videos provide valuable tips for runners of all levels, making marathon preparation straightforward and accessible.
Whether you're running your first marathon or simply in need of a re-fresh of the best training advice, the Marathon Minutes series has got your back.

Tackling the Marathon Long Run | Tips, Pace and Progression
Your long run is an essential player in your marathon training schedule. But how long is a long run? What pace should you run your long run? And what does long run progression look like?
The team from Snappy Runners explain what a long run is, as well as tips and advice for marathon long run beginners. They answer the following common questions:
- How often should I do a long run as part of my marathon training?
- What pace should I be aiming for?
- Why is routine important when doing my long runs?
- What is the best advice for eating and drinking during long runs?

What is a Tempo Run? | How Tempo Workouts Benefit Marathon Training
In this video, Joe and Ed explain what a tempo run is, including the pace you should run them and why tempo runs are a great part of your marathon training.
Tempo runs build your marathon confidence, speed and enjoyment of training.
To get started, you can use an online tempo pace calculator to work out your pace – or go by feel of a 7-8 out of 10 on the effort scale as suggested by Joe.

How To Taper Properly for a Marathon | Top Tips
What is a marathon taper? How long is a taper? And what does marathon taper nutrition look like?
The taper period refers to the 2-3 weeks before the marathon when you reduce your training distance and intensity.
In this video, Manchester Run Club runners Marv and Abi share more information about how to approach the marathon taper, as well as tips to execute your taper plan effectively.
They cover topics about the marathon taper including:
- What a marathon taper is
- Why you should have a taper plan
- How long your taper should be
- Tips on marathon taper nutrition

Marathon Running Tips | Beginner Friendly Marathon Preparation Tips and Advice
In need of tips to help with your marathon running schedule? Whether you’re a beginner looking for first time marathon advice, or an experienced runner looking for a refresh on the best marathon tips, you’re in the right place.
Alex and Andrew from Chorlton Runners share their marathon tips and advice to prepare for race day. They discuss hot marathon topics such as training during bad weather, general preparation tips, race day tactics and more.

Quick Warm Up Exercises to Do Before a Run | Dynamic Warm Up
A pre-run warm up is essential for getting the most out of your workout. But while you might be familiar with stretches to do before running, the best way to prepare yourself for running and to avoid injury is doing a dynamic a warmup - also known as drills.
So, forget the pre-run stretch – watch and learn how to warm up fast with our drill ‘dance’.
To avoid injury and get the most out of your run, always aim to warm up for at least 5 minutes before running. Your body will thank you.